Ah! The simple pleasures

We got Disha a bicycle seat last year and bought a new road bike. Idea was to cycle together- Karthik, Disha and I. After almost-a-mishap while taking Disha on the bike, I put both the seat and bicycling to the back of my mind.

After Karthik started biking long distances around Bangalore, I felt inspired enough to give it another shot.

Sunday morning we were up early.  The sun was not yet in its full fiery form. It was perfect to go for a ride. Karthik was riding with Disha and we went along the main road for around 3-4 kms. She was so delighted to be out early, breathing in the fresh morning air. Every time Karthik passed me or I passed him, she would scream gleefully. She kept calling my name, and this one time when I was a little behind, kept bending over to find out where I was.

Then there were the songs. She loves making up her songs with her own words, remembering all her favorite people- maushi, mama, mami, ajja, ajji, paati, tatha, appa and amma. And paapa of course.

On the way back home we stopped for some refreshing tender coconut. What a way to complete the morning biking session!

We have resolved to do this as often as we can. Karthik said this should be our Sunday morning thing. But opportunity knocked much earlier. Quite unexpectedly.

Today morning Disha was up very early and decided to go downstairs with Karthik as he was leaving for work. She then insisted that she wanted to go riding on the bike. I was quite apprehensive about taking her by myself. But since Karthik was getting late, I thought I will give it a shot. Disha got on to her bike seat and got strapped up. Then I started by pushing the cycle and walking along. She was not happy. Then I got on to the seat and slowly started peddling with one foot always touching the ground. She kept looking at my foot and told me to start peddling properly. Gathering some more courage, I did as she asked. Suddenly, I was wondering, what was it that I thought was so difficult. It was so much fun. I did not go to the main road, but cycled around our colony.

Now we can do this much more often. I am quite excited about the possibilities and have already started planning on errands we can do together on the bike. Disha is excited too- ah! such simple pleasures.