Is it that time already?

Lots and lots of changes. Its a major happening season of our lives. It all started with a simple email from my colleague and friend asking me if I am ready to start working. I said yes. Next came the news that my sister Aditi is getting married over the next 3 weeks. And we decided to move from our current house to some place closer to my new workplace. Overwhelmingly wow!

So there was no time to stop and think over the last few days. Disha’s and my leisurely, lazy days came to a crashing end. But she did not have a moment’s regret, or so it seemed- she loved being on the move whether it was house hunting or shopping for the wedding or being left behind at home when I went for my interviews.

I started working this week. Its been so difficult to stay away from Disha. At work my thoughts are filled with what she would be doing at any particular time. She seems be doing much better- she enjoys the time with her doting grandparents, sleeps when she is tired and loves playing cricket in the drawing room.

What, at least for me, is most surprising is she doesn’t seem to miss her dudu (breast milk) at all! While I am left wondering about it, she is busy with her things and can fall asleep during the day quite easily without nursing. And last night was even more of a surprise. She woke up around 1-ish, sat up and asked for water. I told her to lie down again while I went to the kitchen to get it. She had the water and without even me saying anything went back to sleep. Did not ask for dudu, did not cry, did not wake up fully. So unlike my baby of the past. 

Past. Is it already that time? Has she decided to wean off-much faster than what I imagined it to be. I felt reassured this morning when she asked for dudu.

Let’s see what the future holds for us.